From SOIL to SOUL, A transformative journey nestled in Colombia's Sierra Nevada, Perfectly situated within the forest and surrounded by waterfalls.
Meld yoga, meditation, and plant medicine with indigenous wisdom for a profound connection to Earth and self. Support indigenous causes while exploring holistic healing and personal growth.
Mycelia Retreat: a journey where discovery and connection await. Your senses are the key!!

🛬 Arrivals - Introduction and space orientation
🔵 Opening Circle - Setting intentions and welcoming
🐸 Frog Ceremony - Indigenous detoxifying ritual
🍽️ Healthy Meals - Nutritious lunches and light dinners
🧘 Yoga and Meditation - Daily sessions to ground and center
🍄 Plant Medicine Ceremonies - Guided experiences with indigenous wisdom
🌿 Nature Trails and Waterfall Dips - Immersive nature interactions
🍫 CACAO Ceremony - Heart-opening and sharing sessions
🔥 Fire Ceremony - Evening of reflection and community bonding
🧠 Creative Workshops - Optional sessions for personal expression
🌬️ Breathwork - Techniques for emotional and physical release
🎶 Sound Baths and Live Music - Healing sounds to soothe and inspire
🌊 Water Activities - Silent swims and barefoot forest walks
🌄 Integration Workshop - Reflecting on insights and intentions
🔄 Closing Circle - Concluding reflections and farewells
🌱 Free Time/Personal Reflection - Space for personal growth and relaxation

Nestled in Selva Minca, a tranquil eco-reserve in the Sierra Nevada of Colombia.

Accommodation in eco-friendly lodges, harmonized with nature.

Yoga sessions for all levels, promoting flexibility and mindfulness.

Breathwork for deep relaxation and emotional release.

Indigenous teachings from the tribes of the Sierra Nevada.

Plant medicine ceremonies guided by experienced facilitators.

Sound healing to balance and rejuvenate your energy.

Cacao ceremony for heart-opening and community connection.

Active meditation sessions, nature trails, reconnect with your SENSES.

Massages - body care.

Wholesome plant-based meals, nourishing body and spirit.



All accommodations are shared, with a maximum of 3 people per room. The listed price is per person and covers the entire package, including:

  1. Accommodation
  2. All meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
  3. Fruit and beverages available throughout the day
  4. All activities, workshops, and ceremonies, including Kambo and mushrooms
  5. A relaxing massage
  6. Meetings and connections with the Wiwa tribe
  7. Transportation from airport to hotel/hotel to airport on the return.


If you prefer a private room for yourself or with a significant other, please email us. We’ll be happy to accommodate your request and suggest the best option for you. Please note that the package price will change for private accommodations.

To book your spot, simply follow the link on our website to the registration page. If you have any questions before booking, feel free to contact us via email. We’re here to help!

Yes, you will first need to fly into either Bogotá or Medellín. From there, you’ll take a short national flight (about 1 hour) to Santa Marta. Once you arrive in Santa Marta, we’ll have transportation arranged to bring you directly to the retreat location.

Yes, round-trip transportation from the airport to the retreat location and back is included in the package. We encourage guests to arrive a day earlier for easy accommodation and a smooth transition.

The retreat officially begins on October 24th at 9:00 AM. We recommend arriving the day before to settle in and relax. We can suggest several accommodations for your stay before and after the retreat.

Yes, each room is designed to be shared with a maximum of three people. If you prefer a private room, please contact us, and we can provide you with the options and prices for private accommodations.

Yes, all the medicines used during the retreat, including Kambo and mushrooms, are included in the package.

Kambo is a powerful medicine derived from the secretion of the Giant Monkey Frog. Traditionally used by indigenous tribes, Kambo is known for its cleansing and purifying properties. Spiritually, Kambo helps to remove negative energy, clear emotional blockages, and connect deeply with your inner self. It’s believed to help you release what no longer serves you, bringing clarity, strength, and peace.

Yes, all three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) are included daily. We also provide fruit and beverages throughout the day. If you have any dietary needs or allergies, please inform us in advance, and we will do our best to accommodate them.

Absolutely. We are collaborating closely with the Wiwa tribe, an indigenous community in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta. A portion of the retreat’s profits will go directly to the Wiwas to support their efforts in building a center where they can continue teaching about plant medicines and preserving their culture.

The retreat includes a variety of transformative activities and workshops, such as meditation, yoga, somatic breathwork, sound healing, nature walks, and ceremonies with plant medicines. These activities are designed to help you reconnect with yourself, Mother Earth, and your ancestral roots.

We recommend bringing comfortable clothing, a journal, a reusable water bottle, and any personal items you might need. Since we’ll be spending time outdoors, be sure to pack sunscreen, insect repellent, and sturdy walking shoes. We’ll provide a detailed packing list closer to the retreat date.

Yes, this retreat is open to everyone, regardless of their experience level. Whether you are new to plant medicines and mindfulness practices or have been on this path for a while, you will find the support and guidance you need to grow and transform.

Yes, we’ve built in plenty of free time for you to rest, explore the beautiful surroundings, or simply be with yourself. This retreat is about finding balance, and we want you to have time to integrate your experiences.

You’re welcome to come alone or bring a friend! Many people attend retreats solo and find it’s a great way to meet like-minded individuals. If you’d like to bring a friend, let us know—there’s a discount available for friend referrals.